Gulfood 2014

Category: Breaking, Events

IDRA Group will be present at Gulfood 2014 expo in Dubai, to realize its vision of internationalism and a sharing of a market of excellence devoted to value.

In a historical, cultural and economic context characterized by continuous changes at local and global level, the values of continuity, innovation and sharing are linked by the concepts of sustainability and integration. In this situation the Food plays a strategic role, concentrating all these values and being able to hold together a world of contrasts, which, if endorsed, represent great opportunities. The Food indeed goes through all kinds of needs, from luxury to survival, as well as approaches a Country like Italy – full of history, attached to tradition, but willing to revive – to a world full of opportunities and willing to make history, like the Middle East. The Food defines an identity, and represents an opportunity for exchange and sharing with peoples from all over the world. Culturally and economically different realities, find the meeting point to get closer each other until they merge into a unic large message of global growth.

Gulfood 2014 represents a crossroads between East and West, between raise and development, between ancient flavors to be re-discovered and new ones to be experienced.

In this perspective, IDRA Group will be present to support the growth, the approach of demand to supply, through a vision become service and product for those who want to explore the global world of the Food.

IDRA’s commitment is to support producers in the positioning in the market, and consumers in recognizing the need and desire.

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