The air we breathe every day is the result of our living. The air and noise pollution defined as the alteration of the normal composition of air and / or noise levels, is caused by man through the use of fossil fuels used in the heating of our buildings, industrial activities / crafts and trade, transportation, and, in general, in all activities of daily living.
Does your company help to maintain the normal composition of air and the emission of noise levels compatible with the acoustic zoning of reference, protecting this valuable asset?
The answer to this question is neither immediate nor present in this website, but may be defined by a detailed analysis which the Environment Division / Acoustic of IDRA Srl can provide. The analysis does not involve a simple knowledge, but a study that enables the reduction of pollutant emissions and noise associated with cycles, processes and equipment, which leads moreover the effect of “collateral” optimization of consumption. The Customer, made aware of the obligations and opportunities for growing, is supported by IDRA Srl to process the documentation and study of innovative choices and decision-making for environmental protection.
Among these documents, it is important to remember the processing and subsequent presentation of the practices necessary for the authorization to emissions into the atmosphere, mandatory for those who wish to install a new plant (with the presence of chimneys), edit an existing one, or transfer a plant; it is also important the all-inclusive support for obtaining the Integrated Environmental Authorization.
We will accompany you also in the definition, design and construction of the intake air-borne pollutants and uptake / elimination, which will reduce the exposure of contaminants in the air as well as in conducting analysis and evaluation of noise impact and noise climate (forecast and the status of fact), to check the levels emitted in the environment.
Still in the field of acoustics, we are at Your side to formulate plans for noise, noise zoning and documents for the design of mitigation and reclamation acoustics.
Finally we consider the impact that noise has inside buildings, conducting analysis of architectural acoustics aimed at assessing the levels of sound insulation (facade , inter- and between adjacent units on the same level ); we also conduct assessments forecasting through evolved simulation models (and according to UNI EN 12354), as well as analyze on the state of affairs for the testing of passive acoustic requirements of existing properties.